Adding Telerik Universal

Telerik has released a new toolset, UI for Windows Universal. You can now use many components like Charts and Calendars in a shared XAML page in your application. If you already have the Telerik Windows Phone or Windows 8.1 XAML controls, you now have a license for the Universal controls, too.

It is very simple to add it to your project. Let me show you in a quick File > New example:

1- Open Visual Studio 2013 and create a new Universal Store app.

Select File > New > Project > Visual C# > Store Apps > Universal Apps and choose the HubApp template (you can choose Blank App if you prefer, we’re only going to use the Shared folder to add content).


2- After the project generates, let’s focus on the solution Explorer. First, lets add the Telerik reference to the Windows project.

Right click on References > Add Reference > select Windows 8.1 (in the left tree) > Extensions. Now you’ll see a list of extensions, choose “Telerik UI for Windows Universal


3- Now add the Telerik extension to the Windows Phone project.

The steps are the sames as you did in step 2, but the extension’s name is “Telerik UI for Windows Phone 8.1


4- Now we are ready to start building, let’s add a RadCalendar to a shared XAML page.

  1. Build the solution (F6)
  2. Right click on the Shared Project and select Add > New Item > Blank Page
  3. In the Visual Studio Toolbox type in “RadCalendar“, drag and drop it onto your new blank page. You can also type it in, but make sure you add the namespace (see screenshot)


You can also see how the control will on Phone by simply toggling the view:


That’s all there is to it!

Here are some more resources for you:

One last thing I should mention is that not all the Windows 8.1 controls are Universal right now. We are hard at work to bring more over. Here is a list as of Q3 2014:

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